Fima Carlo Frattini

The history of FIMA Carlo Frattini goes hand in hand with that of bathroom furniture and interior design and it is based on three specific values summarizing its design philosophy: #Green #Quality #Design.
The Company - established in 1960 by Carlo Frattini – is dynamic, international and absolutely contemporary in nature which is expressed in innovative unique solutions in terms of design, quality and functionality, focusing on the environment and the environmental sustainability. On the basis of this approach, FIMA Carlo Frattini is progressing and it is always renewing, as proven by the very high level of the design and quality of the production, the continuing investments in research, the rapid national and international growth, the high professionalism of the corporate team.
Un’azienda eco sostenibile, alimentata da energia auto-prodotta e in grado di realizzare prodotti sicuri per la salute e per l’ambiente con un basso impatto ambientale.
I migliori materiali e tecnologie all’avanguardia per garantire un utilizzo quotidiano impassibile al trascorrere del tempo.
Prodotti unici nel loro genere, studiati per massimizzare il comfort di utilizzo e con un inconfondibile tocco Made in Italy.