Car Park

Category: Accessories

Car park cover

ph. Carlotta Manaigo

art Motel409

styling Sonia Pravato, Costanza Manzoni

Nostalgia and experimentation lead the creative process of the new Car Park collection by Odd Matter. The ephemeral nature of sand is the starting point to a collection where transient movements become permanently engrained in the surface of a rug.

Car Park Blue

Car Park Blue

Designed by Odd Matter

Size: 190 x 300

Material: Himalayan wool and silk pile

Quality: A (125.000 knots/sqm)

Car Park Lime

Car Park Lime

Designed by Odd Matter

Size: 215 x 300

Material: Himalayan wool and silk pile

Quality: A (125.000 knots/sqm)

Car Park Glitch

Car Park Glitch

Designed by Odd Matter

Size: 215 x 300

Material: Himalayan wool and silk pile

Quality: A (125.000 knots/sqm)

Car Park Runner Red

Car Park Runner Red

Designed by Odd Matter

Size: 100 x 320

Material: Himalayan wool and silk pile

Quality: A (125.000 knots/sqm)

Car Park Runner

Car Park Runner

Designed by Odd Matter

Size: 100 x 320

Material: Himalayan wool and silk pile

Quality: A (125.000 knots/sqm)

Car Park Round

Car Park Round

Designed by Odd Matter

Size: 233 x 250

Material: Himalayan wool and silk pile

Quality: A (125.000 knots/sqm)

Salone del mobile Salone del mobile

“The collection tries to capture a fragment of the moments that no one came to see but for a short period was a part of.” In their own words, Els and Giorgi describe the nostalgia that started the process: “We stopped the car and found a spot to park in the sun. After a last swim it was time to head back. Our thoughts were drawn to the sand as we were walking back, it had been under the blazing sun for hours and was boiling hot. Hiding behind the open doors of the car, we changed under a towel whilst taking in the view for another moment. Trying to rub off the sand before getting in the car, the interior of which had turned to lava, we were unable to touch the steering wheel. Driving off, leaving behind the temporary soft traces of our presence in the sand, whilst erasing those of the people that came before us. The unintentional and unexpected patterns left behind in the sand is what inspired the Car Park collection.” 

Car Park concept
Car Park Odd Matter
Designed by
Odd Matter

ODD MATTER is a design studio driven by curiosity for all the strange and wonderful. Researching, probing, creating and exploring our world’s past, present and future through its materials, processes and concept. The studio believes that by working with existing processes and notions, researching these from a different more naive perspective a different kind of products can be created. Unique and specific to the place they originate from. Odd Matter are Dutch native Els Woldhek and Bulgarian Georgi Manassiev.The pair met whilst undertaking their MA studies in the Design Products department at The Royal College of Art. Their common interest in the borders of creation, process and material has put them on a shared path. One that operates across a wide range of disciplines and seeks to work with existing industries to create products, interiors, concepts or unique commissions more true and telling of their creation and ‘will’.