Sales Conditions

The following sales conditions apply to the online purchase of tickets and catalogues for the Salone del Mobile.Milano 2024

Federlegno Arredo Eventi S.p.A. is the organizer of the events named Salone Internazionale del Mobile, EuroCucina, Euroluce, Salone Internazionale del Bagno, Salone Internazionale del Complemento d'Arredo, Workplace3.0 (hereinafter, EVENTS), jointly identified with the registered and protected trademark at the national, EU and international level, of which it is the owner, as follows: Salone del Mobile.Milano. Federlegno Arredo Eventi S.p.A. also organizes the events FTK – Technology For the Kitchen and S.Project.

Federlegno Arredo Eventi S.p.A. (hereinafter, ORGANIZER or FLAE) is in charge of the online sales service of admission tickets and general catalogues of the event, using its own ticketing system regulated by the conditions below.


The following statements regulate the relations between FLAE as provider of the service (hereinafter referred to as the SERVICE) and the user/users of this service (hereinafter referred to as USER/USERS). The USER who takes advantage of the SERVICE is required to comply with all the general conditions contained in this regulation. This regulation must therefore be read and approved in its entirety before completing the purchase.


The SERVICE has as its object the online sale of admission tickets and general catalogues of the event (hereinafter referred to as CATALOGUES) by the ORGANIZER of the EVENTS.


Payment for the SERVICE may be made: i) by credit card - Visa, Mastercard, Amex or Union Pay; and ii) by digital wallet – Google Pay and Apple Pay. Payment is made through a virtual payment system in secure mode with irreversible 128-bit encryption. By this method, the transaction takes place exclusively in the banking sector. FLAE does not have in any way access to the data of the USER's credit card. FLAE therefore has no responsibility for the numbers and credit card data provided to the bank at the time of the online purchase of the admission ticket and catalogues. With reference to the purchase of admission tickets, from the moment of opening of the online sale until 23.59 (CEST) on April 12, 2024, the pre-sale rates indicated on the dedicated web page will be applied; from 00.00 h (CEST) on April 13, 2024 and until the end of the EVENTS, the full rates also indicated on the dedicated web page will apply.
According to Article 74 – quater, par. 2 of the Presidential Decree no. 633/1972 tickets are fiscal documents to all intents and purposes, hence they constitute evidence of the ticket’s value. Therefore invoices will not be issued.


The USER undertakes to view, carefully read and accept the contractual clauses referred to in this regulation, as a necessary condition for purchase, since these are clauses drawn up in accordance with Article 12 of Legislative Decree 70/03 (electronic commerce).

The purchase order must be forwarded by the holder of the credit card or digital wallet.

Please note that the improper use of a credit card is prosecuted criminally under Article 12 of Legislative Decree May 3, 1991 no. 143, converted with amendments into Law July 5, 1991 no. 197, for transactions performed on the internet by providing the identificatory and operational data of another person’s credit card, acquired fraudulently by the agent.

Effectiveness of the agreement and Documentation to be kept.

The order and reception of confirmation of the order are considered received when the parties, to whom they are addressed, have the opportunity to access them.

Therefore, the USER must carefully keep:

a) in the case of the admission tickets: order confirmation e-mail with the summary of the purchase and the e-mail containing the admission tickets in .pdf format, which are the document necessary for direct access to the EVENTS; 
b) in the case of the CATALOGUES: order confirmation e-mail with the summary of the purchase, e-mail containing the voucher in .pdf format for the receipt of the CATALOGUES at the Rho (MI) exhibition center during the days of the EVENTS and the instructions for the possible download of the voucher itself. 

It is understood that, with the transmission of the .pdf of the admission tickets and/or the voucher for the receipt of the CATALOGUES and the instructions for downloading the voucher, FLAE will have correctly and accurately fulfilled the obligations acquired, with the effect that the holder of thecredit card or digital wallet, used for the online operation is unable to request the bank to refund the sums used for this purpose, under penalty of compensation for damages in favor of FLAE.

It should be noted that failure to collect the catalogues at the Rho (MI) exhibition center will not give rise to any refund.


FLAE may suspend the SERVICE in  part or in whole for unforeseeable technical reasons, or for any changes intended to improve the service itself.

FLAE is responsible for the CATALOGUES until the confirmation of payment relating to the purchase of the same. The loss and/or mislaying of and/or delay in the delivery of admission tickets and/or vouchers essential for the collection of the CATALOGUES by third parties will represent unforeseeable circumstances on the part of FLAE. Furthermore, FLAE will not be liable for the non-use of admission tickets (even if delivered and/or collected) and/or failure to collect the CATALOGUES by the USER. In such cases, all right to reimbursement of the admission tickets and/or the price of the CATALOGUES by the ORGANIZER is excluded.


With reference to admission tickets, in the event that one or more EVENTS are canceled, the USER will be entitled to a refund of the relative admission ticket purchased. To this end, the USER must submit a request for reimbursement in writing to be sent to the ORGANIZER: i) by registered letter with return receipt to the address: Foro Buonaparte no. 65, Milan; or ii) by e-mail to the address, no later than May 31, 2024. The shipping costs related to the refund request will be borne by the USER. In the event of cancellation of one or more EVENTS, the respective entrance tickets will be canceled in the manner referred to under Article 7 of Ministerial Decree of July 13, 2000. The same cancelation procedures will apply in the case of cancelation of admission tickets due to incorrect issuance of the admission ticket itself. With the exception of the cases specified above, admission tickets cannot be canceled and consequently refunded. The USER will therefore be entitled to a refund of the sums paid for the purchase of the admission ticket, minus the bank charges, incurred by FLAE, provided that he/she has made the relative request in keeping with the above terms and methods.


With reference to the CATALOGUES, the right to exercise the right of withdrawal within 10 days from the time of purchase and in any case no later than the fifth working day before the start of the EVENTS is allowed. Withdrawal is exercised by written request to the ORGANIZER to be sent: i) by registered letter with return receipt to the following address: Milan, Foro Buonaparte no. 65; or ii) by e-mail to the address, within the terms indicated above. 
In this case, the USER will be entitled to a refund of the sums paid for the purchase of the CATALOGUES, minus the bank charges incurred by FLAE, provided that he/she has exercised the right of withdrawal in compliance with the abovementioned methods and times and, in any case, before the EVENTS in which he/she had an interest in participating, while any possible request for withdrawal and/or reimbursement subsequent to the above EVENTS will not be valid.


FLAE accepts no responsibility for direct or indirect damages in any way connected to the SERVICE. FLAE undertakes to provide the competent authorities without delay with all the information in its possession in order to allow the identification and prevention of any offenses committed on internet.


For any dispute, the Court of Milan is established as having exclusive jurisdiction.


If not expressly referred to herein, Italian and EU legislation must be considered applicable.