Category: Lighting

Creativity and Majesty tailored for every kind of space.
Miage dresses the walls with light, reflections and colours.

Miage is a project-based installation that consists of a modular system consisting of slabs made exclusively of recycled thermoplastic material, carefully regenerated. The structure consists of a frame with rails in raw iron, where the slabs are placed and are free to slide. This gives the possibility to compose its elements at will and change their position at any time. The lighting, strictly LED, backlights all the plates.
The idea comes from the work experience of designing and renovating residential, office and hotel environments where vertical surfaces need to be decorated and illuminated to give the whole an added value. Designed for home furnishings but also for commercial or hospitality structures, Miage is also suitable for studios or creative settings. The system created is modular and customisable according to the client's taste and adapts to long walls, corridors, reception areas, large lobbies, even of great heights.

Light Wall

Wall-mounted, hand-made, LEDs, modular