Mandatory documents

In order to participate in the exhibition, companies must present mandatory safety documents and certifications proving that the stand has been set up correctly.



We remind you that from January 1st 2024 it is forbidden to use plasterboard or similar sheets for fittings, whether they are used for walls, counter-walls, external infill panels and for false ceilings in general.

For further information:

The “Mandatory Documents” section of “Compulsory Documents” on the Fiera Milano Exhibitor Portal is reserved for uploading documents required for taking part in the trade fair. This includes all forms, including those relating to security obligations, which companies are required to fill in and complete, along with any related documents that may be required.

The most relevant obligation for commissioning exhibitor companies concerns the DUVRI (Unified Document for Assessment of Interference Risks) or, if necessary, the PSC (Safety and Coordination Plan), respectively, should the regulations contained in Art. 26 of Legislative Decree 81/08 apply, or those contained in Title IV of the same decree, according to the provisions of Interministerial Decree of 22/07/14. 

This documentation must be uploaded onto the Fiera Milano Exhibitor Portal available to the competent authorities (ATS and Forces of Law and Order) and be made available on the stand for the entire period of the trade fair (including set-up and take-down).

A facsimile DUVRI model can be found in the relevant section of the Technical Regulations  along with the guidelines for its compilation.

Certification must be produced for all structures/installations/systems built in the fairgrounds, attesting to their correct construction in accordance with the regulatory provisions. All the documentation must be kept available in case of checks by the relevant authorities and by Fiera Milano. This documentation constitutes the “Stand Construction File.”

All the documentation pertaining to the work involved in building the stands should be considered an integral part of the file, such as the DUVRI, PSC and POS (where required). 

Following the set-up operations, the exhibiting companies must hand the following over to Fiera Milano (Stand Control Office) at the fairground Service Centre - tel. 02.4997.6495):

  • A declaration of correct fit up by the installer (facsimile available for download from the Fiera Milano Exhibitor Portal);
  • A test certificate signed by a qualified professional, without which the area may not be used. Please note that the certificate must be drawn up by a professional who has been registered with Italian professional associations for at least ten years and who has not played any part whatsoever in the design, management and execution of the works;
  • A declaration of correct installation of classified fire reaction materials ("Fire Safety Construction Materials” form, downloadable from the Fiera Milano Exhibitor Portal)

The deadline for the submission of the declaration of correct assembly and testing is 24 hours before the start of the fair.

Information for contractors and sub-contractors on obtaining credit licences

As of 1st October 2024, “credit licences” have become mandatory for companies – including those not strictly designated construction companies – and self-employed workers operating on temporary or mobile construction sites. 

With regard to trade fairs, all areas that require the application of Title IV of Legislative Decree 81/08 fall under the definition of “construction sites,” and in particular:

  • stand structures with a height of 6.50 m or more;
  • biplanar structures (mezzanines) with a surface area of more than 100 square metres;
  • tensile structures and temporary structures more than 8.50 m high above a stable floor.

Credit licence applications may be  submitted by the legal representative of the company or the self-employed person via the National Labour Inspectorate portal, using IT methods that ensure the identification of the person accessing the services (SPID, CIE).

For the issuance of licences, applicants must be in possession of the requisites listed on the National Labour Inspectorate portal.

Credit licences are not required by those delivering supplies or services of an intellectual nature to or on construction sites (engineers, architects, surveyors) and companies in possession of Class III SOA qualification certificates, or higher.

Companies and self-employed persons established in an EU Member State other than Italy or in a non-EU Member State must also be in possession of credit licences, as per  Article 27 of Legislative Decree No. 81/2008.

However, credit licences may also be issued:

  • to companies established in an EU Member State, on the basis of a declaration certifying that they are in possession of an equivalent document issued by the competent authority of their country of origin;
  • to companies established in a country outside the European Union pursuant to a declaration certifying that they meet the requirements under Italian law. 

In the absence of an equivalent or recognised document under Italian law as set out above, foreign companies and self-employed persons are also required to apply for licences in the same way as Italian companies and self-employed persons, namely

  • for companies established in an EU state, possession of equivalent documentation (e.g. possession of an A1 certificate rather than a DURC) is always permissible; 
  • non-EU companies, on the other hand, must be in possession of the same documents as those required of Italian companies and self-employed workers, in accordance with current legislation.

It should be noted that the Declaration of Conformity, to be delivered to the Fiera Milano Customer Service desks at the time of the request for the connection of electrical systems,  must be accompanied by a copy of the Chamber of Commerce Certificate - which certifies the technical and professional requirements of the signatory to the declaration - and a declaration in lieu of certification certifying that the compulsory attachments have been drawn up (the form is available from Customer Services).

This means that exhibiting companies are no longer obliged to hand over a copy of their electrical system plan to Fiera Milano Customer Services, although this must be kept available on their stands (together with the report detailing the materials used, the single-line diagram and the declaration of conformity) for any checks by ATS or personnel responsible for checking the project documents.

Rather than completing a Declaration of Conformity as per Ministerial Decree 37/08, exhibiting companies using foreign electrical system installation companies must request a compliance check from Fiera Milano (service available in the E-service section of the Exhibitor Portal).