MDF Italia

MDF Brand name copertina

For MDF Italia, design is about shaping matter with ideas. More than simple products, the results of this process are thought forms.

The vocation of MDF Italia has always been to create objects that not only become icons but will also succeed in defining the canon of contemporary design. 

Guided by the values of simplicity, lightness, challenge and wonder, MDF Italia creates transversal furniture capable of becoming alive and fitting in with diverse environments, thanks to their universal and timeless design.

Essential, functional and flexible, they have no ambitions to dictate the aesthetics of the surrounding area by their presence, but rather respect the spirit of every space they inhabit.

Pioneers of a new way of conceiving space, MDF Italia focuses on the uniqueness of every place, whether it is dedicated to work or hospitality.

In the new Contract website emerges a propo sal of transversal furnishings with a strong aesthetic impact, declined for the most typical environments of the Office and Hospitality world. Character and flexibility unite the two proposals, designed ad hoc with the Milanese architecture firm 967arch, whose collaboration stems from a stylistic affinity, from an approach to product and project design that has found a natural match.

Thought forms


Contract website:  

Instagram: @mdfitalia_official Â