Fiera Milano services

Below are the main services provided by Fiera Milano, available in the " Purchase in E-service" section of the Exhibitor Portal. Details of the date by which requests must be made, contact person with email address for further information, and the website/portal where requests should be made are available in the "Calendar of Deadlines" section.


The “Rigging” service, provided exclusively by Fiera Milano in all the pavilions of the exhibition center, can be booked through the Eservice section of the Exhibitor Portal, consists of the supply of special cables hooked to the ceiling, which can be used to suspend set-up and lighting structures.


The connection of the electrical systems of the stands to the electricity supply network, to be carried out by Fiera Milano in the presence of the Exhibitor, is performed only at the end of the system installation and after the presentation of a request form and of the documentation required by current regulations to the Customer Service of Fiera Milano.


Fiera Milano is able to offer a variety of all-inclusive water system packages to respond to the various requirements of exhibiting companies interested in this service. 


Fiera Milano will make its own professionals available for issuing Certifications of Structures/Installations/Systems carried out in the exhibition centre, certifying their correct implementation in accordance with the provisions of current legislation


Click & Surf WiFi – made available to visitors and exhibiting companies by Fiera Milano will only be operative during the trade fair period. 

For more specific requirement, such as the need to have guaranteed continuity of internet connection on your stand, please refer to Fiera Milano's E-service proposals within the Exhibitor Portal.


Logistical services are handled by the Official Freight Forwarder of Fiera Milano (Expotrans), which provides all services related to transport, receiving and forwarding of merchandise and materials, as well as customs clearance of the materials being exhibited and their handling within the Fairgrounds.

Packing material cannot be stored inside the stand. During the set-up and dismantling periods, it is mandatory to immediately clear the packaging from the stand and from the aisles, which can only be used temporarily and only for loading/unloading the set-up materials or products on display. 

The Fiera Milano Official Freight Forwarder (Expotrans) is available for the collection, custody and delivery of empty packaging, according to the rates in force and provides also a storage service for materials and products not on display.

Please note that, during the assembly and disassembly stages, it is the obligation of the Exhibitor (or its representatives) to remove waste daily from the Exhibition Centre, disposing of it in accordance with the regulations in force.

It is forbidden to dump any kind of waste inside the exhibition areas, both in the assigned space and in the common areas (lanes, roads, etc.). 
In case of waste dumping inside the Exhibition District, Fiera Milano will apply a sanction up to € 5,000.00 (five thousand Euro).

In case of need, exhibitors can contact the appropriate waste management companies registered in the Albo Nazionale Gestori Ambientali (National Register of Environmental Managers) which can be consulted on the website

For further information regarding the companies to be appointed, it is possible to contact the pertinent Customer Service.



A number of different stand cleaning services are available to exhibiting companies (normal, all-inclusive, extraordinary eve of exhibition, etc.) via the E-service in a bid to respond to all needs and specific requests.
Furnishing, materials, equipment and products on display are excluded from the service.

The service will be carried out by qualified staff while the pavilions are closed to the public, as of the evening preceding the opening of the trade fair. 

The service is costed by square meter and applies to the entire trade fair period. Fixed garrison services are also planned on the days of the event.

Fiera Milano provides specific security services. Exhibiting companies should request these from the District Logistics Department on the Fiera Milano Exhibitor Portal, according to the terms and conditions set out. 

During the closing hours of the pavilions, services carried out by security companies other than those authorised and provided by Fiera Milano are not permitted.


Fiera Milano has a range of Catering and Catering Service available to exhibiting companies. These can be viewed in the E-service section of the Exhibitor Portal and can also be requested by email from

With regard to access and restocking of goods, catering companies outside the Fiera Milano Group and exhibiting companies that independently provide drinks and foodstuffs, the relevant access passes can be purchased on presentation of the relevant documentation (SCIA). The procedure can be viewed on the Exhibitor Portal in the "Mandatory Documents" section in "Compulsory Documents."

A consultancy and/or practical management service is also available on the Exhibitor Portal, in the Catering – SCIA Request section. For any further clarification, please email the FMSPA-Service to Managers office at

Exhibiting companies wishing to hire meeting/conference rooms for meeting, presentations or trade fair events should contact for information and bookings.

Meeting rooms are available inside the pavilions (seating between 10 and 70 people) and there are equipped conference rooms in the Stella Polare Conference Centre (seating between 10 and 300 people). 

In all cases, Fiera Milano will be responsible for drawing up estimates for the use of the above-mentioned facilities or other potential services. 


For information on conditions, costs and services included and not included, exhibiting companies wishing to organise evening parties during the trade fair period should email

For SIAE regulations on sound diffusion during evening parties and the payment of related rights fees, please contact or Gianfranco Lopopolo at the SIAE office in Via Arco in Milan - - +39 02 86496223) directly.

Please note that the fee pertaining to SIAE rights for music broadcast in the stands during opening hours during the trade fair period is already included in the event participation fee.


Third-Party Liability Policy

This coverage is automatically provided, free of charge, for all Exhibitors by Fiera Milano. This will become an extension of its own general policy that has a limit of no less than € 100,000,000.00 (one hundred million).

"All risks" policy of the Exhibitors

In order to access the Fairgrounds, the Exhibitor must have an “All Risks” policy on the whole value of goods, machinery, equipment and fittings taken into and/or used in the Fiera Milano Fairgrounds with a waiver of right to claim compensation towards Fondazione Fiera Milano, Fiera Milano, their subsidiary and associated companies, the Organizer and any third party involved in the organization of the Exhibition.

Fiera Milano provides to the Exhibitor, free of charge, an “All Risks” insurance with a limit of € 25,000.00, to cover all goods, machinery, fixtures, fittings and equipment brought to and/or used at the Fairgrounds by the Exhibitors.

In the “Exhibitor portal” of Fiera Milano S.p.A., in the section “Mandatory documents – Insurance”, the Exhibitor will find the link to receive information about the “All Risks” policy, provided by Fiera Milano S.p.A. free of charge. 

No other specific insurance is provided; for further information we suggest to contact the Broker of Fiera Milano:

Tel. (+39) 0248538909