MADE Expo 2025: interview with Simona Greco

A conversation with the CEO of the event devoted to products and solutions for construction
MADE Expo, the event devoted to architecture and construction, returns with a new edition from 19 to 22 November at Fiera Milano (Rho).
It is an unmissable event for architects, buyers and developers who want to stay up to date on the news and innovations in the field of materials, construction systems, finishes, surfaces, windows and doors, with design at its heart.
We caught up with Simona Greco, CEO of MADE Expo, to find out what’s new in the 2025 edition.
The 2025 edition of MADE Expo marks an important step forward in the fair’s path of growth and innovation, now that it has been inserted in the industrial development plan of Fiera Milano as a strategic event. This choice stems from the awareness that MADE Expo offers not just a point of reference for the construction sector, but is also a fundamental platform for promoting excellence and dialogue between key players in the sector. Among the main novelties in this edition, we want to bring design back to the center, creating dedicated focuses that will offer food for thought, insights and opportunities for discussion on fundamental issues for the future of construction. We believe that architecture, as a synthesis of technology and vision, can guide the whole sector towards a sustainable and innovative evolution. In addition, we are proud to already be able to count on the participation of many of the most important and influential companies in the sector, which have chosen MADE Expo 2025 as a showcase for displaying their innovations. I will mention only a few: Mapei Spa, Metra Spa, MV Holding Srl, Marcegaglia Specialities Spa, Secco Sistemi Spa, Fossati Serramenti Srl, Pellini Spa, WEESE-Ab Class Srl. This reflects both the trust and the value that the market invests in the event as a privileged meeting place for doing business, creating connections and anticipating future trends.
The exhibition area of MADE Expo 2025 will be divided into two large thematic halls: the Building Envelope Hall and the Construction Hall. This organization is designed to ensure optimal use of the event, offering clear and targeted thematic itineraries. The Building Envelope Hall will focus on facades, windows and doors, solar shading and insulation systems, with a particular focus on technological innovation and sustainability. The Construction Hall, on the other hand, will provide a frame of reference for materials, technologies and construction systems, with a focus on digitization, redevelopment and energy efficiency. A key element for the 2025 edition is the MIBA – Milan International Building Alliance, an international platform that MADE Expo is a member of. It brings together four trade fairs devoted to vertical markets but complementary to each other: SMART BUILDING EXPO, SICUREZZA, GEE-Global Elevator Exhibition and MADE Expo itself. This synergy will enable visitors to explore an integrated ecosystem that focuses on the evolution of buildings and cities in this period of ecological and digital transition. Thanks to MIBA, visitors will have the opportunity to experience first-hand the most advanced technologies for vertical mobility, building automation, security and construction solutions, developing the holistic approach required by the contemporary market. This makes MADE Expo 2025 not just a trade fair, but a unique platform for studying the connections between architecture, technological innovation and sustainability. What’s more, with the aim of meeting the needs of the market and offering operators in Southern Italy an additional business opportunity, directly on their home turf, we are launching MIBA Levante, a spin-off to be held in Bari, at Fiera del Levante, in November 2026.
For MADE Expo 2025, the creation of opportunities for synergy and exchange is an absolute priority. This is because we firmly believe that innovation and growth in the sector arise from an exchange of ideas between the protagonists of the supply chain. For this reason, we have involved prestigious partners such as the Politecnico di Milano and Cresme, who will be supporting us in providing high-value editorial content. These partners will present thematic insights before and during the fair, helping professionals navigate the challenges and opportunities of an ever-changing industry. In addition, thanks to collaboration with Business International, the knowledge unit of Fiera Milano, we will organize a rich program of encounters for training and information. These events will be designed to offer concrete updates and operational tools, ranging from the issues of the ecological and digital transition to those related to safety and legislation. The objective is twofold: on the one hand, to support professionals with quality training, and on the other to stimulate dialogue and the creation of new connections between companies, designers, institutions and international stakeholders. We believe that only through discussion and constant updating is it possible to anticipate trends and respond effectively to market needs.
The challenges for the construction and materials sector are many, but the main one is undoubtedly the ecological transition. The adoption of sustainable practices, the use of innovative materials and the reduction of the environmental impact of buildings are now imperatives. Added to this are the digitization of processes, the retrofitting of existing assets and adaptation to increasingly stringent regulations on occupational safety and anti-seismic protection. These changes represent an opportunity to rethink building more efficiently and responsibly.
The PNRR certainly represents an extraordinary opportunity for the construction sector, in particular for public construction over the next two years. The investments planned for the redevelopment of schools, hospitals, infrastructures and urban spaces are a fundamental lever for relaunching the sector and promoting the adoption of innovative and sustainable technologies. The PNRR also offers the opportunity to accelerate the ecological and digital transition, driving the whole supply chain towards new standards of efficiency, safety and sustainability, in keeping with European and global challenges.
In the construction sector, design is no longer just a matter of aesthetics, but a strategic factor integrated into technological innovation. Companies today develop solutions that combine functionality, sustainability, safety and beauty, responding to the needs of architects and designers. Advanced technologies, such as 3D printing and smart materials, allow for unprecedented levels of customization, while design remains central to creating spaces that improve the quality of life. This synergy is now essential to compete in an increasingly demanding and excellence-oriented market.
Sustainability is one of the fundamental pillars of Fiera Milano's strategic plan and is fully integrated into its business model. This commitment is obviously also reflected in MADE Expo in several concrete initiatives that we have put in place to promote a more sustainable future in the construction sector. For example, this year the Sustainable Prize (Susprize), organized by the Politecnico di Milano, will be wholly devoted for the first time to sustainability. This change stems from the awareness that sustainable innovation represents the real engine of growth for the sector as a whole, rewarding those projects and companies capable of combining innovation, efficiency and respect for the environment. In addition, sustainability will be one of the central themes of our conference schedule, where we will be involving authoritative speakers and leading figures in the sector. We want to create opportunities for discussion and dialogue to help companies, professionals and stakeholders better understand how to integrate sustainable practices into their everyday activities. With these initiatives, MADE Expo confirms itself not only as a showcase of excellence, but also as an accelerator of change for a more aware and future-oriented sector.