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By 2025, nearly a third of the workforce will be born after 1997: Metropolis explains how office dynamics will change

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By 2025, nearly a third of the workforce will be born after 1997: Metropolis explains how office dynamics will change

The US magazine Metropolis reports an analysis by ThinkLab on “how the next generation of designers’ relationship to digital tools will impact how they communicate at work, what they look for in an employer, and how they specify.” In fact, the most heterogeneous among the generations (who chose for themselves the last letter of the alphabet because the last of the millennium and in the name of the fact that it will perhaps be the last to inhabit this planet) is decisive and pragmatic when it comes to of work. “What do we need to consider as we recruit, try to retain, and sell to this next generation of designers?” - full article.


Magazine: Metropolis 

Country: USA 

Date: August 23rd 2022 

Article: What Is Gen Z Looking for in the Workplace? 

Author: Amanda Schneider 

7 September 2022