
Collection: TECHE

Category: Lighting

Square shapes and Customizable dimensions for Talo, our bespoke showcase with integrated light.

Our showcases are an extremely technological product, which involves the integration of miniaturized lights inside the structural frame of the showcase itself, without the wiring system or the screws being visible.We use aluminum frame with integrated light for a clean and essential design. Precision and care for every construction detail is our motto: the craftsmanship of a handmade touch, the ability to create perfectly assembled products and precision in the care of every construction detail are key points in our work.

From a gem to a rare watch to a work of art, our showcases are designed for those who love to display precious and unique objects with special care and refinement.

La teca è dotata di una serratura di sicurezza che si può aprire con una gemma o una tessera con codice di sicurezza integrato.
Salone del mobile Salone del mobile