Punt Mobles XXI

Punt is currently a boutique company, where you can find different types of products, although storage is par excellence the best-selling part but you can also find all kinds of products with a strong differentiating value
The subtle lines and details by the designer meet the expert hands that shape the wood. Art & Craftmanship together to bring pieces that intend to change spaces through their beauty.
Some pieces by Punt have been with us for so many years that they are already part of the history of furniture design. One of them, La Literatura, designed in the early years of the company's foundation, is over 35 years old. it is displayed in several museums and it is already considered a contemporary classic of the 20th century. Its creation inspired our company's development and was partly responsible for Punt receiving the National Design Award in 1997. Other awards confirm a career that has resulted in some pieces that are part of our history.