La Favorita

Mezzaluna by La Favorita

The love for beauty, for art and for all the nuances that nature can offer led me to always look for objects that could express feelings, arouse curiosity and admiration, and were able to follow refined trends and styles; in essence, the capability of being unique.

It represents for our customers the Mezzaluna Style, a multifaceted expression of our moods, our experiences, our tastes, our tradition and our constant research and experimentation. For over fifty years, Mezzaluna contributed to this Style giving shape to the wishes with refined decoration.

Roberta Datteri



La Favorita was established in 1970 as an handicraft laboratory of artistic ceramics by Mario Datteri, sculptor and modeler from Perugia who graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, whose works are still visible in some churches of Umbria.

In 1994 Mario Datteri is flanked in the company by his daughter Roberta, graduated in economics at the University of Perugia.

The family passion for the art and the beauty, united with her cultural formation, in a short time will guide her toward a substantial productive and commercial reorganization of the company. The techniques and technologies of traditional ceramic production are remade in a way that is innovative in both product and process. Thus came the first home collections, the furniture and giftware marketed under the brand Mezzaluna.

In early 2000, the company opened to foreign markets. Mezzaluna products are now present in the best stores in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan Arab countries, the U.S., the Philippines and Japan. In 2013, the revenues generated by exports reached 97%.

It was the passion for life and for objects of value, beautiful and elegant, made ​​of ceramic, porcelain or wood to always inspire company’s production, giving it the strength to face new challenges such as the creation of each collection, and the involvement of business initiatives in the world.