Discovering new summer horizons

The latest issue of Interni Magazine is all about summer, with Mediterranean architecture and interiors directly connected with nature, innovation in outdoor furnishing and changing cities, from Italy to South Korea.
An edition conceived to nurture the desire to relax and regenerate, intimately bound up with summer, time spent on relationships and discovering new horizons. Our interior architecture, buildings immersed in Mediterranean landscapes stretching from Sicily to Sardinia, all seamlessly valorise their connections with nature. They are private homes and places dedicated to hospitality and ‘charm tourism’ that lay bare vocations, memories of the past and tales of the present, channelling local skills, cultures and occupations, locations evoking perfect peace. Here, plants, gardens, parks, swimming pools and spaces opening onto the sea are seen as fundamental elements of design, and the opportunity to spend the greater part of the day outside becomes a vital resource when it comes to wellbeing and a healthy environment, especially right now. Design helps to conjure up the dreamlike dimension, making it more comfortable and imbuing it with new aesthetic meaning. We have devoted considerable space to the latest in outdoor furnishing, a driving sector as far as designers and manufacturers are concerned, taking innovative technological and linguistic content once reserved for products for interior domestic spaces into the outside world. This type of furnishing is becoming progressively high performing, thanks to increasingly evolved research into materials with sustainability as one of the main objectives. Summer is also synonymous with colour, imagination and vitality. This year of all years we have wanted to celebrate this energy. We’ve done so with the most joyous aspect of design in mind, from design that colours, redesigns and generates our cities – from Milan to Busan in South Korea – to design that erupts into our homes with bold colours and explosive geometries, forged by new demands and stimuli that have been transformed into projects and designs.
From an editorial by Gilda Bojardi, editor-in-chief
Video: Michele Foti
Magazine: INTERNI
Published by: Mondadori Media S.p.A