Melting Point

Category: Accessories

kymo_Melting Point_Au79_lead motive

Melting Point by kymo

Colossal heat and glistening light. The fire blazes with its tremendous power. The metal begins to flow once it has reached melting point, pouring slowly and steadily into form. In sublime tranquillity, the liquid metal hardens into its new shape, to finally solidify in the water with a loud hiss. A unique and precious synthesis of nature's art.

With the same grace as liquid precious metals, MELTING POINT puts on a reflective lightshow of pure elegance. The hand-woven fibres merge into a mirror-like surface as if cast in a single mould, creating a velvety-soft feel and endless shine without compare.

Melting Point in colour "Li3"
Product description
The exquisite pile material, banana silk, is a high-gloss fibre made from renewable recourses. It comes in the colour variants Au79 (gold), Ag47 (silver), Cu29 (copper), Li3 (lithium), Pb82 (lead) and K19 (potassium), and makes this shining piece a truly brilliant treasure for your floor.
Melting Point in colour "Li3"
Product name

Melting Point


kymo Design Department


iridescent, hand-made, sound-absorbing, washable, custom

Standard sizes: 170x240cm, 200x200cm, 200x300cm, 250x350cm, 300x400cm
Custom sizes available. Maximum size: 400x600cm
Production process
Hand-woven Bananasilk



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Melting Point in colour "Li3"

Melting Point in colour "Li3"

Photo by Benny Groeninga

Taken at Kaastoor, Amsterdam

Melting Point in colour "Li3"

Melting Point in colour "Li3"

Photo by Benny Groeninga

Taken at Kaastoor, Amsterdam

Melting Point in colour "Cu29"

Melting Point in colour "Cu29"

Photo by Benny Groeninga

Taken at Kaastoor, Amsterdam

Melting Point in colour "Cu29"

Melting Point in colour "Cu29"

Photo by Benny Groeninga

Taken at Kaastoor, Amsterdam

Melting Point in colour "Au79"

Melting Point in colour "Au79"

Photo by Benny Groeninga

Taken at Kaastoor, Amsterdam

Melting Point in colour "Au79"

Melting Point in colour "Au79"

Photo by Benny Groeninga

Taken at Kaastoor, Amsterdam

Melting Point in colour "Li3"

Melting Point in colour "Li3"

Visualisation by 3Designedly Architectural Visualisation

Melting Point in colour "Li3"

Melting Point in colour "Li3"

Visualisation by 3Designedly Architectural Visualisation

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